Angel Avanzado


Angel Avanzado

Chapter 4: How do you find inspiration? What keeps you motivated?

When it comes to finding inspiration and motivation, it starts from within yourself. Take the time to close your eyes and really envision what makes you happy and sparks excitement within your soul. The truth is, it’s actually everywhere and it’s different for everyone. There’s so much you can do to find that inspo or motivation for yourself. But at the end of the day, it’s about being open to whatever life has for you.

Here are some things I’ve done to find inspiration and motivation:

  1. Take a few minutes in the morning and say three things you are grateful for.

    This allows me to start my morning off on a good note and reminding myself of how grateful I am for the life I am living. Although life isn’t perfect, there always something to be grateful. Living is gratitude really motivates me to chase my dreams.

  2. Grab a notebook/journal and start writing.

    The best inspiration and motivation can come right from you. Your brain is constantly functioning, so when you really get to sit by yourself and just write whatever comes to mind it feels so satisfying. Honestly, I find myself feeling free to write whatever I want and not holding back. At times, whenever I’m feeling down and need that to feel inspired again I just look back at my notes and just think wow, I’m proud of where I am at this moment and what I’ve accomplished thus far.

  3. Listen to podcasts.

    I love listening to podcasts most especially in the morning getting ready for work or even on the way to work. It’s so satisfying starting day off on a good note and feeling like you can conquer just about thing. You just need to find the right one for you. I personally love listening to “Small talks by Alec Cuenca” on spotify. Who knows maybe I have something in store for you guys in a few months.

  4. Working out.

    You don’t need a gym membership to workout. There’s so much content online that you can take advantage of in your own home. You are free to go at your own pace. I love taking classes because not only are you working out physically but mentally as well. Sometimes, you just need someone to push you to your limits.

  5. Pinterest!

    I’m a little obsessed with pinterest! You can literally find just about everything to get you inspired and ready to go. I’ve made so many different boards which has allowed me to spark inspiration for just about everything. From photoshoot ideas, outfits, tattoos, and even as simple as motivational quotes.

  6. Friends, family, loved ones, SO.

    There’s so many people in my life who have been a constant reminder that I can do anything I set my mind towards. When you surround yourself with good people who uplifts and support you, then you’ll feel so much lighter and better about yourself.

  7. Take yourself out.

    As much as I love being surrounded with my loved ones, I do enjoy quality time to myself. You can really get to know yourself on a deeper level when you are spending time with yourself. Go out and take a drive to a coffee shop and just indulge in a good book.

  8. Reading a good book.

    Honestly, I used to not be a fan of reading books growing up. But, I realized it’s not that I didn’t like reading, I just wasn’t interested in the content. I love reading about love, life, and self development all together. But, I’m still always open minded to new things and ideas. You never know a good book unless you try right?

  9. Music.

    Honestly, I find myself inspired to write well when I listen to music that soothes my soul completely. Whether it be listening to filipino love songs to heartbreak, that is where inspiration strikes. The music speaks to me and allows me to let my words to come out here.

  10. Travel

    If you know me, I love to travel to new places and explore whatever is out there. With traveling, I gain so much inspiration from my surrounds and forever grateful to have the opportunity to travel. I can’t wait to travel out of the country again and just seeing more to life outside of my own home.

  11. God

    Honestly, I don’t know what I would do without my faith in God. He’s truly been both my inspo/motivation to get to where I want to be. When there are times where I feel like I’m not good enough, He reminds me that I’m not my negative thoughts. I am strong and able to push myself to path that was made for me.

  12. “Why”

    In my last post, I spoke about what is your “why?” Think whatever or whomever your “why” is in your life. Know that they are your motivation/inspiration to lead you to your own success. They are a constant reminder to yourself that no matter how hard it gets, don’t give up keep on going. Life is never easy, but it is worthwhile. Always remember that you were born to be extraordinary.

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