Angel Avanzado


Angel Avanzado

Chapter 3: What’s your why?

Do you ever have those days where you feel like nothing is going right? Then, you begin to doubt yourself and feel like giving up might be the easy solution. Honestly, giving up on something you’ve been hard towards shouldn’t be the answer. I’ve always believed that when things get tough God is testing our strength. We have to go through rough patches to get to our final destination. Trust that there will be highs and lows, but know you have the power to take them on fearlessly. Above all, what has helped me the most constantly reminding myself why I started in the first place. Remind yourself that those struggles you are going through are only temporary. They will mold us and strengthen us into the individuals we are meant to be.

What has helped me the most is asking myself “Why?”

Why I started?

Why am I going through all this?

These “whys” have helped me to remind myself why I started working on chasing my goals and aspirations. Through my toughest days, I’m reminded of my strength and will to keep going because I know I don’t give up that easy. Also, I’ve come to terms that I am capable of making dreams a reality with hard work and my perseverance. In the long run, I want to be able to look back at where I started to the day where my dream is no longer a dream. My dream is my reality.

Whatever the answer is to your “why” continue to let it be a reminder of determination, perseverance, and strength within yourself. You will be successful so long as you stay committed to the journey and not let anyone tell you otherwise. You need to give it your all, even when you feel exhausted. In those moments, that is when you need to hold on even tighter. You need to fight for your “why” because it will lead you to your how. Through our struggles, we need to find that ounce of hope that will allow us to persevere. Because then the end result will lead you to asking, “how did I manage to do it all?” Believe that you have the power to do whatever you desire, so long as you accept the path that will lead you to your success.

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