Angel Avanzado


Angel Avanzado



In the beginning of this month, I celebrated my birthday. Every year, I never expect materialistic things. I just hope and pray to be surrounded with love. I was grateful to see a few of my loved ones. Although I couldn’t be with everyone, I am truly blessed for the love I received that day. I think it’s so important to celebrate birthdays because despite everything, life is too short. Although life has it’s twists and turns, we can still look for God’s beautiful creations. This year alone has been a rollercoaster of emotions and I couldn’t have it any other way. It’s been a time of growth, reflection, and healing for the world.

Within these past few months, it’s been a season of self reflecting, rediscovery, and strengthening my relationship with God. Through this time of self reflection, I’ve used this time to write more. I’m constantly writing somewhere. I love writing in my journals/notes because it allows me to release everything that’s lingering on my mind. The best feeling is being able to read over those reflections and seeing how much you’ve grown. I know in my heart that I was born to be great and extraordinary. And I know where I’m meant to be, and I will continue to persevere through all the obstacles that lie ahead. Life is beautiful, especially when we start to look past all the negative. I’ve taken this opportunity to embrace everything that life throws at me, I’m here for it.

During these difficult times, I hope you find it in your heart to embrace the change we are experiencing in the world. These are the changes we needed because our “normal” wasn’t it. We need to embrace being uncomfortable, because this is when we have room to grow. It’s a beautiful thing to see yourself grow into the person you are meant to be. Above all else, embrace the season you are in at this very moment. It will lead you towards what is meant for you. Embrace yourself for who you are and the power that is within yourself. Because YOU have the power to inspire and change the world. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Embrace yourself above all else.

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