Angel Avanzado

Sarili ko.

Angel Avanzado
Sarili ko.

Me, Myself, and Mine.

How are YOU? With everything happening in the world, it’s important to check in with yourself. I know it seems like things will never get better but trust me when I say to have a bit of hope for the days to come. We’re all going through this rough time together, so know that you’re not alone.

I wanted to take this opportunity to let you all in on how I managed to stay calm during these trying times. There will be good and bad days and that’s okay. For me, this quarantine has taught me so much about being thankful for life so much than I ever have before.

Here are a few things I’ve done that has been keeping calm and sane:

Self Reflecting. This is important. I like to think of self reflecting as a personal “check in” in the morning, noon, and night. But most of all, I enjoy waking up in the morning and think about my life. I believe there’s so much to look forward in the near future. I am so grateful for these moments in my life where I feel at peace. Throughout this time of quarantine, it’s really allowed me to get to know and love myself a whole lot more. I like to take the time to jot down the happy memories that have happened during this quarantine.

Doing what you love. There’s nothing more fulfulling than doing what you love. For me, I love doing so much. Whether it’s being in the kitchen or doing online workouts/dance classes. I love being active because it just gets me going throughout the day and makes me super happy because I feel so accomplished.

Energy. Use your energy wisely. Don’t allow yourself to waste time on things and people who don’t matter. It’s okay to take a cleanse from social media once in awhile. Truth be told, I actually like to turn off my notifications from apps on my phone because it takes away time and energy to get distracted. I put my energy and time into good use by doing things that make me happy.

Journal with me. I take the time through my day to jot down things about my day and whatever is on my mind currently. For me, writing has always been apart of my life. I never thought I’d be writing like this. But, I’m so grateful and thankful to be able to express myself through my writings.

Pace yourself. Being at home, felt like I was in a tight space at times. Some days felt more difficult than others and that’s ok. It’s okay to be sad and cry whenever I needed to. Because at least you’re able to confront your feelings instead of tucking them away. But I firmly believe that although there are times when things are painful, it can’t compare to the joy that lies ahead. It’s so important to find an inch of hope during this trying time. I know it’s hard trust me, but when you start with planting good vibes, your life starts to feel different. You slowly start to feel a change like never before.

Connect. Recently, I joined a group called “The Sister Circle.” Honestly, it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. These beautiful sisters have been so welcoming and loving since day 1. It’s truly amazing to receive that support and love even from afar. I always looked forward to either waking up early for activities on Wednesday morning at 7am and Friday night at 11pm for devos. Although it was a big adjustment for me, I felt so happy to learn from the sisters and have the opportunity to connect. I’m so excited for the next session to come next! It’s been an amazing journey and my heart and mind have felt so full of sisterly love.

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