Angel Avanzado


Angel Avanzado

Let’s empower each other.

This has been a trying time for all of us, but know it is temporary. I want you all to know that we will come out of this stronger. I am a firm believer that God doesn’t put us through battles we cannot handle. He molds us into the warriors we are meant to be in the world.

It has been a crucial time for us to be able to self reflect on every aspect of our lives and learn to cherish everything that we may have taken for granted. We have a window of opportunity in front of us to open our hearts and minds to the world.

There are days that are harder than others, and it’s okay. Allow yourself to feel those feelings. Don’t allow yourself to bottle it all in. Give yourself this time to be vulnerable, and utilize this time to heal. I want you all to know that whatever battle you’re fighting, keep on fighting. And I hope you find a glimpse of light and happiness in your heart. Take it one day at a time.

For me, this time has been both challenging and a blessing in disguise. I’ve been taking it all in day by day. Within these past two months, I’ve been able to take the time to reflect a whole lot more and discover my truest self. It has honestly been one of the most rewarding and amazing feelings in the world to love yourself and what you stand for. It’s all about embracing the mentality that you can and you will get to where you want to be. But all in all, I’m grateful to be alive and well.

This upcoming season, let’s change our mindset. Let’s be grateful for life. Be grateful you are alive and breathing well. Life is hard, but think about those who may have it even harder. Sometimes, we forget to be grateful for the many little blessings that life has bestowed onto us. Also, let’s practice kindness to every single person we meet. What the world needs right now, is for the world to grow with gratitude and kindness in our hearts. No matter how big or small, let’s show it through our words or actions. Let’s continue to grow into the best versions of ourselves. We all have our own purpose in life. Each and every one of us has the opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life no matter how big or small. We as a community, can do amazing things.

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