Angel Avanzado


Angel Avanzado

How do you stay positive through all this?

Honestly, I believe it’s through my faith and trust in God. I believe in the long run everything’s going to be alright. Before I go to bed, I pray for better days and to protect all those who are front liners and who are currently battling this pandemic. Through this difficult time, I’ve been spending my time singing and writing more. Lastly, I’ve also started to read again and in the process of finishing this book till the end.

I’m currently reading this book called, “A Return To Love” and I came across this:

“The moment of surrender is not when life is over. It’s when it begins. Things have to get very bad before there’s a shift.”

When I read this, I felt this so heavily. These lines couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. There is a deeper meaning behind this all. A change in perspective of how we view others and the world. I feel like this is what we needed in the world. When we let ourselves surrender, we let God do his work. We acknowledge that we are not alone, and we are fighting this together. It’s important to trust in the timing. Lastly, I think the intricate beauty behind this darkness, is the light of seeing people coming together to provide needs in the hospitals.

Through this time, let’s take care of ourselves and our loved ones. There will be days that are going to be much tougher than others, but it’s important to remember that we have each other. Technology is such an amazing part of our world, and despite the distance we can still connect to our loved ones. This is just one of the many things we should be grateful for. It is truly a journey of transformation for all of us.

It’s strange having free time and not sure when things will go back to normal. But, I’d like to emphasis that we have this time for a reason. Time to reflect, grow, and nurture ourselves into the individuals we are meant to be in this lifetime. We live in a world where it can be so fast paced we forget to take care of ourselves. Sometimes we just need to take a step back, and take time to reflect.

Honestly, I know that there is some pressure that we have to attain a new skill and come out better than before. Let me be the one to say, we have a choice at the end of the day. I think the most important choice we can make right now is to live life more presently and to be grateful for life itself. Not everyone has the opportunity to spend time at home with their loved ones. Don’t take life for granted.

Through this difficult time, there will be a great a change to come. Remember that through darkness there will be light. May we be more grateful for life and our loved ones. May we learn to be kinder and softer through our words. And learn to love a whole lot more.

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