Angel Avanzado


Angel Avanzado

It’s been a great time of reflection, purpose, and value.

A year of uncertainty and pain, that has molded us to grow into the best versions of ourselves (physically, mentally, and emotionally).

This year has been one of the most challenging, yet most rewarding amongst all the rest. Although this year was not what we all had anticipated, I would like to say this has been one of the most empowering years of my life. We could look at this year and say it wasn’t that great, but it’s all about the perspective. We could look at everything that went wrong, but can you see what went right? From this pandemic alone, it has forced us into a time of vulnerability but it doesn’t compare to strength that we have right now at this very moment.

The real question to ask ourselves is: What have you gained from this year?

For myself, I have gained so much self love and being more grateful for life then ever before. Whatever didn’t work out before, maybe it was for the best. I always stand by this, “Everything happens for a reason.” This has been such a pivotal moment in my life where I’ve grown to empower others to reach their fullest potential and love themselves like I do. This was not something that happened overnight, it took countless times of confronting my vulnerabilities and working on doing what’s best for me. That is doing what I love whether it is writing, singing, dancing, and even spending time with friends and family. Surrounding yourself with good people who love you and support you is important. Those who don’t value you and your energy, just let them be. Because whomever is meant to be in your life will put in the effort.

When you start to work on yourself, trust me when I tell you that whatever you’re manifesting just be patient and let it come to you gradually. Because whatever is worth having in your life, it is worth waiting for. The times that you may feel frustrated that things aren’t moving in your favor, find an inch of hope to allow you to refocus your energy on where you want to be. Don’t let a bad day out way the best days to come. Don’t lose sight of it. You got it. I believe in you!

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