Angel Avanzado


Angel Avanzado

The art of becoming.

It’s been one of the most humbling and blissful feelings to be able to love myself fully and feel grounded into the woman I am now.

Throughout my time in quarantine, it was one of the most difficult and uncertain times in my life. But, those times felt like a bit of a blessing in disguise because I was able to prioritize working on myself. Also, I was able to use this time to reflect and let my emotions out that I was holding back for some time. It’s okay to have days where you may not be at your best, you’re only human. I believe during those times when I cried and questioned God I had found the answer within myself. I may have not known back then, but God was working with me to heal myself from the pain. He molded me and empowered me to become the best version of myself. I was able to open my eyes to the pain and embrace it with open arms. I am a firm believer that he does not put us through difficulties we cannot handle. He believes in us much more than we do. Often times we have this tendency to self doubt about things we can’t do when we actually can. We can do anything if we set our minds to it and take action.

Pain isn’t a punishment nor meant to be permanent, instead it is temporary and a time of healing. What has helped me during my toughest times, was finding that little “hope” or light that will allow me to get through my day or week. When I allowed myself to embrace the pain, I let myself be vulnerable and slowly gain a feeling of redirection in my life. I believe the pain we experience teaches us to be the best versions of ourselves. Sometimes we just have to deal with it alone and that’s ok. But, know that there are people out there who truly love you for YOU.

Letting go. - people, expectations, what other people think.

Becoming the best version of yourself and learning how to love yourself comes hand in hand with letting go. While at times we hate “letting go” of something or someone, think about what is holding you back from where want to be. What are you willing to do to change that? How do you expect to grow if you are holding yourself back because of something or someone?

For myself, I have let go of a lot of people in my life and learned to be okay with that. I put myself in a position where I isolated myself here and there only to build myself up again. I cried and laughed, and I just kept it going even when I wasn’t always at my best. Remember that those bad days that you may be going through cannot compare to the best times of your life. I remember being in a place in my life where I kept asking God, “Why?” But, after reflecting and sessions with “The Sister Circle” I realized the pain I was feeling was temporary and I know it’s a learning and healing process. Throughout my during quarantine and now, I’ve met so many amazing and talented individuals who are truly an inspiration.

Lastly, I let go of people’s expectations of myself and their judgements. If they don’t like you, that’s okay. Not everyone is going to love you, but learn to appreciate the ones that actually do. (Something I’m still working on.) The reason being is at the end of the day, YOU know yourself better than anyone else. You don’t need to explain yourself to anyone it is your business and not theres. Let them talk and be curious because you’re doing well. But, keep doing you boo. Put your time and energy into yourself and I promise you, it’ll be worth it. Don’t waste your time on anyone or anything that doesn’t serve you. The older we get, we start to prioritize what really matters and actually serves us a better purpose. The way to achieve happiness is through material things or people, it’s about creating relationships with others and working towards your happiness.

No one is perfect, and everyone is still a work in progress.

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