Angel Avanzado


Angel Avanzado

“Ako” is a tagalog word meaning “Me.”

Becoming the best version of myself was one of the best highlights to happen to me this past year. Throughout this world wind of a year, 2020 has definitely taught me a lot about myself-mentally, physically, and emotionally. I’ve definitely had a balance of highs and lows, but I still managed to persevere through it all. But, I want to share how truly grateful and blessed I am of my friends and loved ones. With everything going on, what we all need the most is: love, support, kindness, and prayers. Although we all had plans that it was going to be the best year, this one has got to be the most unforgettable, challenging, and self growing experience.

I want to share with you all some lessons that have kept me motivated, grounded, focused, and positive through difficult times.

  • Rejection is redirection.

    I used to believe that '“rejection” meant I wasn’t good enough. But, the truth is, it just wasn’t for me and that’s ok. There is always something better out there that leads us to our true purpose. These few words bring out so much passion, drive, and clarity in my life. The best part of these few words, it applies to all aspects of our lives. Although you may have been turned away from a person or situation, it’s ok. It’s ok because that “rejection” will lead you into the right path. God’s plan is always greater than our own. If it’s for you, it’ll be for you. And if not, there is something better out there with your name on it.

  • If it’s meant for you, it’ll be for you.

    I’ve always been a firm believer that what is meant for you, will be for you. Why stress yourself by overthinking and being afraid it might not work? If it doesn’t work it’s ok, it wasn’t for you. When you start accepting Believe that God will not give you what you cannot handle. He will give you the best because he knows you deserve it. But, just know the best things in life don’t come right away. Trust the process and be patient.

    I’ve always been a firm believer that what is meant for you, will be for you. Why stress yourself out of self doubt and fear? When you can use that energy wisely into pursing your passions, purpose, or whatever makes you happy. When we put our focus and energy into other things, at the most unexpected time the right person or situation will come along.

  • Surround yourself with the right energy.

    I love meeting and connecting with new people. We meet so many people in our day to day lives, but the truth is not everyone is meant to be around forever. Some may only last for a season and are meant to teach us life lessons. Furthermore, allow yourself to be around those who listen, understand, support you in everything you do. Be around people who love and accept you for YOU. At the end of the day, it’s all about quality over quantity.


    The best part of this past year was reminding myself to appreciate the little things. Being grateful to wake up inside your own home. Because not everyone has a place to call their home. For me, I love seeing the sun peek through my window. I don’t know what it is, but when the sun is shining I feel my happiest. I’ve learned to appreciate everything life has to offer despite any setbacks that may come my way. Always remember that there’s always light beneath the darkness.

  • Go at your own pace.

    Know that you’re not behind, you’re exactly where you are meant to be. Don’t compare yourself to how someone else is living their life. We shouldn’t live our lives asking “what ifs.” Don’t let yourself live in regret because we have the power and control to change our situation at this very moment. If you’re not happy with where you are in life, act on it. You can change the way you want to live by making the necessary changes in your life. It is never too late to chase after what you truly want. Don’t let society tell you otherwise.

    Focus on YOU, and keep making moves and looking forward to making your dreams a reality. It’s all about mind over matter.

  • GREAT things, take time.

    Sometimes it might feel like life is working against you because things aren’t going your way. But, what if this just a stepping stone to where you need to be. In actuality, things are slowly working in your favor and you may not even realize it. You see we have to go through difficult situations at times to reach your fullest potential. I promise you that slowly but surely things will work out in the long run. There’s no need to rush into things. I’ve always said, “something worth having, is worth waiting for.”


    I have learned throughout these past few years the beauty and importance of loving yourself. For me, it has allowed me to get to know myself on a deeper level and just have the confidence I have always wanted. Learning to love yourself can be a long process, but I promise it’s worth it in the long run. When you love yourself, you will be able to attract the right people into your life and not settle for less. Start making it a priority to making time for yourself.


    In every aspect of my life, I’ve taken chances and it has led to me where I am today. I definitely wouldn’t be the person I am today, if I just did what everyone else did. I believe if we don’t take chances, we’ll never really know unless we just try. Don’t limit yourself to taking opportunities because of what other tell you. Listen to yourself, your heart, and take a leap of faith. No matter what happens, you’ll end up where you are meant to be.

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