Angel Avanzado


Angel Avanzado


Ever since I was little, I used to dream of becoming a singer. I wanted to share to the world the talent God has blessed me with. I was a little dreamer who sang her heart out in her room. The place where I felt like myself.

When I was in grade school, one of my teachers after school heard my voice because a friend and I would sing in one of the classrooms while we were doing homework. She wanted me to do a solo for a school function. Because of her, she made me realize my potential and how I shouldn’t hide my talent. From then on, I got a few solos here and there until I graduated. There were girls who didn’t like me because I got that “solo” and it’s funny to think about it. There will ALWAYS be individuals who will not like you for no reason and it’s okay. It’s honestly a part of life that not everyone in this life will like you. But, it’s important to remember to stay true to yourself always. But, who would have thought that a shy girl could have gotten solos?? Not me honestly haha.

In high school, I joined a youth group that truly changed my life. It molded me into the individual I am today and has allowed me to have a solid relationship with God. When I first joined my youth group and saw friends in music ministry, I told myself, “I wish that was me.” It took a year later, and my dream became a reality. I loved singing, and being able to sing and express my love for God was something so beautiful. It was a life changing moment for me because it allowed me to share apart of myself that no one knew about.

In college, I would sing at my school’s open mic. I remember my first one, I dedicated to a boy that I had a crush on. Thankfully, he wasn’t there so I did my best! Then, it started becoming a thing where I would sing at open mic’s and I felt happy sharing what I loved with fresh faces. It allowed to be more confident it what I loved to do.

To this day, I love posting videos of myself singing my favorite songs. I love dedicating each and every one of my lovey dovey songs to my special someone. I love being able to share this gift of mine because it allows me to express myself in so many ways. There’s just something about music that has a huge impact on my life. I think it’s that music has never failed me, just like God never has. It allows me to sing about how I feel to the one I love you know? There will always be a song that will portray the way I feel and that’s the amazing part. Also, I still sing in my church, and there honestly days where I’m not at my best. But, I’ll always remember that I was once a little girl who dreamed of being where I am. I’m humbly grateful to be given this opportunity to share my gift to the world.

I want to thank my mom for always being the cheerleader in my life and encouraging me to keep on singing. Thank you for being you, and for constantly reminding me that this gift of mine should be shared to the world.