Angel Avanzado


Angel Avanzado

Chapter 7: If it’s meant to be, it will be.

Do you believe in fate or coincidence? I remember a few years ago, I set a poll asking this question and the popular response was actually “fate.” I’m a firm believer that things don’t happen by accident. At the right time and place, what is meant to happen will fall into place. Nothing and no one can stop fate from happening in your life. What is for you, will always be for you.

About two months ago, I wrote my last post and I ended up taking some time off posting on here. I was going through a lot planning for my birthday month and working towards getting into nursing school. After waiting 24 days from taking the entrance exam, your girl did IT! You have no idea how much I’ve prayed for this moment. It’s amazing to see all my hard work has finally paid off. I’m abundantly blessed for the opportunities that have come into my life thus far, and the ones that are slowly coming into place. This all comes from trusting in God and the universe, that what is truly for you will be! It was worth the wait. I can’t wait to see what else God has in store for me.

The best piece advice I can give from my personal story is to trust the process. What is for you, will always be for you. Instead of worrying and fearing it won’t work out, change your mindset. Allow yourself to believe that it can and will work out in the long run. In the meantime, keep working on yourself day by day. Don’t stress and trust in God’s timing in your life. You are exactly where you are meant to be at this very moment. You are not late in life, you are just on time. There is no rule book on how you should live your life. Continue to live, learn, and grow into the best version of yourself. Exhale the negative energy, and breathe in the good vibes only. Believe in your dreams, and you will make it happen. You will get whatever your heart desires I manifest that for you. It’s 2021, its time to live your best life.