Angel Avanzado


Angel Avanzado

Chapter 6: Channeling in on your inner power.

Self reflecting and journaling are an important asset in channeling that power. But most importantly, your mind plays an even bigger part because at times we are so hard on ourselves. We need to turn the phrase we tell ourselves “I can’t” to “ I can.” When you feel like giving in, that’s when you need to pull yourself together and remember why you started in the first place. You can do anything you set your mind towards. Take this time right now as opportunity to see where you are at this moment. You are here because you have a bigger purpose than you think. You are worthy of love and it will come when you least you expect it. Everything you desire will come so long as you don’t give up.

It took a long time coming to get to where I am today. Although I am not exactly where I want to be just yet, I know I will get there. I believe everything is slowly but surely falling into place. I know at the right time, I will get everything I’ve ever desired and worked towards. It all takes believing in yourself and persevering through the difficulties that may come your way. It is apart of the process. Whenever I feel like I can’t do it, I always try to push through and remember my “why.” It is so important to have that “why” in your life because it allows to remember why you started in the first place. Lastly, another thing to remember is looking back where you were maybe a year or two ago, and look at where you are now. You may not realize it but you are progressing into the best version of yourself slowly but surely. Of course, there will be moments where you go through setbacks, but trust me when I say your “why” is much stronger.

You are the storyteller of your own life. YOU have the ultimate power to change your life on your terms and live your best life. For you to gain your power, you have to learn to believe in yourselves. You have to be your own cheerleader and know that you can do it. When you truly believe in yourself that you have that power, nothing and no one will stop you. There will be people out there who will challenge you and question if you’re doing the right thing. But, don’t let that discourage you, instead let it motivate you into getting to where you want to be.

You are more powerful than you think. Believe it and you’ll see where it takes you.