Angel Avanzado


Angel Avanzado

Chapter 1: “You are exactly where you are meant to be.”

Hello loves, and welcome to the first part of the series. I wanted to start off with one of the most important topics which is having a confident and healthy mindset. But, the real question is where do we start from there?

Let’s start by taking small steps to getting into the flow of believing in yourself. It’s as little as waking up in the morning and setting positive intentions every day. For example, you can tell yourself, “ I am beautiful and I am exactly where I am meant to be at this very moment.” Honestly, this is such an empowering statement which can allow yourself to feel like a whole new confident person. Also, it allows you to feel like you can do anything you set your mind towards. When you start be kinder to yourself, you will really see a big difference in the way you approach life.

Don’t be too hard on yourself. I know at times we let our minds wonder and overthink many different scenarios and let our fears sink through. But, I remember reading a book one day and it said that fears are not real. When it comes to fear, our mind plays tricks on us because we let fear takeover because of the possibility of failure. The truth is, life is full of successes and failures. In order for us to learn and grow, we need to take a chance and see where it will take us. If we fail, we can get right back up and try again until we succeed. If we really want something, we will not stop until we get what we want no matter how long it takes. If we give up or fail, at least we can say we tried and it didn’t work out for us. Life is so beautiful and we take it for granted so many times. I want you all to understand that we have the power to take control of our life. At the end of the day, we just have to believe in ourselves.

When we look on social media, we have a tendency to compare ourselves to others. “Why am I not that pretty? I want to look just like her.” This happens so often, but we fail to realize that everyone is beautiful inside and out. Each and every one of us are beautiful individuals and different in our special way. Who would want to have the same face and personality as someone else? We have to realize we have own personas which allows us to stand out and be different. For me, I would rather be different from someone else, than try to be someone I’m not. Instead of comparing yourself to someone else, shift your energy into finding what makes you unique and special. We all have our own stories and life doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time to find ourselves and build up our mentality but it’s all about taking those small steps forward.

Lastly, I want to remind you all that life isn’t perfect. Although we can have a confident and healthy mindset, understand that there will be times where we may fall into patterns of self doubt. But, know that we have the power to control our lives because we are the directors of our own life. We have the power to get right back and push aside those doubts. When we attain that healthy mindset, we can do anything we set our minds towards. This just the beginning and know that you are more than capable of doing whatever your heart desires.

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