Angel Avanzadolife


Angel Avanzadolife

You are your own story.

You are the pen and the paper is a mere representation of your life. It’s up to you to get up and take charge of what you want to happen today, tomorrow, and years from now. Whatever you want in your life can happen so long as YOU make it happen. I think at times we let our fears get the best of us, we overthink the many possibilities of what might go wrong. But, the truth is, we will never know unless we try. Don’t let yourself miss out on what could have been. Most especially don’t let anyone feed you with doubts. People will always have their opinions about you, and it’s okay. Just as long as you are true to yourself.

Believe me when I say it’s ok to chase after your dreams. No matter how many times you feel like you’re failing, carry yourself back up. If you want it, know what steps you have to take to get you where you want to be. There will be bumps along the way, but I suggest remembering why you started in the first place. This way can help you stay motivated and inspired because you are reminding yourself that giving up is not an option.

Growing up, I used to believe in my own fears and doubts. You know you can be your greatest enemy while also being a great support system. When we believe in those fears, it tends to detour us from our dreams. But, it’s important that we face those fears boldly. Be brave and stand up for what you believe in. Not everyone is going to support you, and honestly it’s ok. Because the people who support you will matter the most, since they know how much your happiness matters the most to them.

Take a chance and make it happen.