City Date
I always dreamed of moving to LA, but then I started to fall in love with the New York. The environment is loud and vibrant, compared to where I live. Being in Jersey my whole life, I felt like I was missing out. There's so much out there, we just have to take a leap to explore what's out there for us. I feel like these days we're afraid to open our minds to the possibilities. Sometimes we just need to take a leap of faith, and if we fall at least we can say we tried.
But anyway, here's some summer looks that would be perfect for a simple date night with the boothang.
Outfit #1: This outfit works out when you're just out and about in the city but want to show some skin off the shoulder while strutting your stuff with a nice transparent heel.
Outfit #2: This outfit is a perfect on the go, when you just want to have a casual night out with your mans, while still looking cute as always.
Outfit #3: Saved the best for last as they say! This romper compliments a simple night out with your mans, where you can just go out and enjoy the night together while being able to strut your stuff.
I hope you all enjoyed these three simple looks for a city date with the boothang.